Saturday, November 15, 2014

33.5 Weeks & Dealing with GD

Well we hit 33 weeks on Tuesday so we are now under 50 days from Baby H joining us!! I am excited to hit this mark as it means we are now under 7 weeks away from getting to meet the little guy but the overall feeling is this is crazy.

In talking to a co-worker at the end of work on Tuesday she prompted me to look and see if the crib that Scott and I wanted came in. After looking online we were super surprised as they had the stock back in. So we were able to run down and pick it up that night. We put it together last night so now the little guys' room is ready.

The bad news is on the Gestational Diabetes front of the pregnancy. I wasn't able to get my morning fasting levels to the level that the doctors want them to be at so I've had to go on medication. Granted, it isn't a lot but it is still unfortunate/frustrating that I wasn't able to get it low enough to get things where we needed it to be.

With having to go on medication I am now having to do a Non-Stress Test (NST) two times a week. It isn't a difficult test but it is still time consuming because I'll be out of the office between 1 to 1.5 hours each time, depending on how the little guy is moving. After having two NST tests I am told we are good but we will see what the next 6 weeks bring.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Halloween this year was a bit of a mellow one. I pulled together my Mike outfit at the last minute, all thanks to dad. Overall the day was good and we were able to celebrate it in the office with a potluck and most of the staff getting dressed up. That night Scott and I stayed home to greet the whopping 30 kids that came trick-or-treating. I'm not sure if that is the number but it seemed low for a nice weather AND having Halloween on a Friday night.

I hope you all had a great celebration!