Sunday, December 28, 2014

39 Weeks, 5 days

Well this photo was taken at 39 weeks on the dot. I definitely feel pregnant, more so than previous weeks. We had an eventful week since this photo was taken. On Wednesday we went to the 39 week appointment and left the office thinking that we were going to be gearing up for week 41 after talking to the RN who helped us (my doctor was out of the office for the holiday). We hadn't had any progression from the week before and my sugar readings were under fairly good control.

After leaving the office, maybe 30 minutes, I got a call from my doctors assistant saying that my doctor doesn't want me to go past 40 weeks and we had two options for induction- Friday morning or Sunday night. After calling Scott we scheduled it for Sunday night so he could get work in order before the little man comes.

So we have been busy with all the Christmas parties and getting things finalized for the little man to come tomorrow. Today I have been wrapping up things for work that came up over the weekend, getting Kappa finalized as much as I can, and getting the house ready. It's crazy to think the little man will be here possibly tomorrow! I'll update as I can once we get the little guy here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

36 weeks

Well, we are down to the final weeks before the little guy arrives. We are all hanging in there and getting as much sleep as we can right now. I tend to find myself on the couch at least one night a week as the bed doesn't help in getting me to back to sleep. ;-)

We were able to get the little man's crib put together and  the room is ready for the little guy to come. In addition to getting the crib we have gotten the car seat so he can really come as we can transport him home from the hospital. The only thing that I really need to do is get the dresser organized so we can actually use the diaper changing station.

Over Thanksgiving we went down to St. George and spent a few days with my parents. We went to Vegas for some Black Friday shopping and then Saturday and Sunday Scott went golfing. I spent Saturday getting a pedicure and working on Kappa.

Now to get work in order so I can be out for a little. That will be the ultimate key, but probably won't happen... :)