Friday, January 7, 2011


Its amazing what a little touch can do for you. I love it when I get home from work and Scott is around the house and I go over and give him a kiss and hug after a long day. I that moment when he is giving me a hug is pure bliss. Why? Well, I am engulfed by his loving arms and I feel so protected and its like the world isn't there and its just the two of us.

Tonight I can not sleep and I have been laying in bed for the last hour staring at the ceiling thinking about everything that I need to get done and events that occurred today. As I am lying there my husband, who is pretty much passed out (oh how I love him!), rolls over and grabs my hand. Like the hug, this little touch from someone you love is so comforting. It isn't like it is a big dramatic gesture but it is something that lets your loved one know you are there. 

Obviously the touch didn't help me sleep (or this post wouldn't be happening) but it helped. Tonight I found out that a Kappa sister was killed this morning in a car accident. She was 2 years younger than I am and I don't recall ever meeting her but it is a true 'awakening' (if you want to call it that) that life is short and you don't know how long you have with your loved ones. All of those things running through my head really doesn't mean a lot in the grand scheme of things so I need to let them go and realize what I have here in front of me.

So the next time you see your loved ones give them a huge hug. You never know what the touch of your hug, kiss, holding their hand, or whatever your choice of touch is--it will help. And to all of you, thank you for being in my life. You have truly touched it!

1 comment:

  1. so sweet Tiff ;) I am so glad you married such a great guy!
