Monday, August 5, 2013

Vacation to Hawaii

So Scott and I snuck away from Salt Lake for 8 days to go to Hawaii for a vacation. For me it was a grand vacation as I didn't work at all (no work OR Kappa)! Scott did work a bit but in the end it worked out. Below are some photos from our trip. We loved Honolulu and can't wait to get back again. 

We are off!
Our actual home away from home (it took us 5 days to realize our condo and home address are the same).
The view from our lanai!

My new hat and dress.

We visited the U.S.S. Arizona. Such a humbling place!

We hiked Diamond Head.

I just love the trees down by Waikiki.

View from our lanai looking the other direction.

One morning Scott saw this cool sight.

I enjoyed watching the small crabs go in and out of their nests (?)

Another beautiful sunset (one of many).

On tour of the island- at the sight of one of Elvis's movies.

Another cool tree.

We went to the PCC and Scott tried out throwing a stick.

One of our hikes along the coast.

Very cool tide pool.

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful trip!! love the pictures and so glad to hear you got out and played ;) that is what vacation time is for!
