Sunday, September 27, 2015

Vancouver Visit

Last weekend I had the opportunity to go to Vancouver, Canada for a recruitment visit. It was great to go up there and see part of the city. I had visited the island of Victoria while we were on a cruise and knew that I wanted to go back. This visit cemented that we need to go to Vancouver and then go over to Victoria.

Sunday after the recruitment events I ended up going on a 5 mile, 2 hour, walk/hike to the beach that was adjacent to campus. It was an unexpected adventure and I'm glad that I did it, now.  :)

The walk to/from the grocery store.

One of the awesome trees that you walk under- completely covered with moss.

Walking down to the ocean.

The toes in the sand photo- at least I got them in sand this year. Not quite the place I had thought but it works.

Beautiful sunset. The surf was rough but people were surfing.

Cool photo of the beach with all the lumber used as benches.

Walking along the shoreline trail (aka hike).

Climbing back to civilization.

An awesome spring/stream to the ocean.

Nicci & Bill Visited!

We were lucky and had Nicci and Bill visit for a weekend in early September. It was a busy weekend, espcially for the visitors, but a fun one. It first started out with the Utah vs. Utah State football game. Dad did tailgating and we all watched the first half of the game at the stadium. We left because we took Aaron and he was done and Nicci and Bill left as they were running the Big Cottonwood Half Marathon in the morning.
Tailgating wore him out.

It's not the best picutre but they were all cheering for Utah

At the game!
 Saturday morning I got up and cheered Nicci & Bill along (I don't have photos of this but it might have involved posters for them). That evening we all went to the parents for a cocktail making session and dinner. Robyn and Dan were great and took Aaron for us.  It was a great night and Scott and my first time riding Uber.
The aftermath...

Mom was a bit thirsty.

After drink session at the fire pit.
Sunday we were able to go and see Will and Liz's new place that they close on (now in 1 week!) and then a nice brunch. Overall it was a great weekend seeing Nicci and Bill but it went by way too fast.

Labor Day Weekend

We went back to Idaho for Labor Day weekend with my parents and Grandma. Saturday Scott stayed at the barn and the rest of us went to Virginia City, Montana. This city is pretty awesome as it has most of the original buildings that were built during the gold rush. Most of 'main street' has been turned into a free meuseium where you can walk through and see what each store could have been. Some of the stores include the origional 1800's boxes for shoes! We stopped in town and ate lunch.  :)
Photo of the Masonic Temple (only picture of the town, sorry)

Lunch with Aaron- always an adventure


Sunday Scott and I went to the golf course and played 9 holes. YES, Island Park does have a 9 hole golf course. It was a nice relaxing morning for me. That afternoon it was a long nap and then a relaxing dinner to Trout Hunter.

Overall a great weekend relaxing.

8 months

This kiddo (was) 8 months and is always moving. It was a surprise that I could actually get a photo of him not moving around. At 8 months he:

  •  Crawling like a pro
  •  Pulling up on things
  •  Walks along the couch
  • 2 teeth on the bottom and 4 (!) coming in
Below are some photos of him through month 8.
Eating blueberries

During the Aaron tornato

After bath time fun- chewing our toothbrush

Andrea Gets Hiched

Back in August my cute cousin Andrea got married. It was a fun night where we all met for dinner and then went to the reception. It was a nice night and the little guy kept his bow tie on for at least a few photos.
With Grandpa at dinner.

I'm cute and I know it.

Hanging out with Grand.

The Petersen girls with their dad.

Beautiful setting (and Grandpa photo bomed it)

And let cake be in their face.

Pictures with Grand and Grandpa

Pannier Family Reunion

I've been terrible, once again, about updating but this is what you get. :) Back at the start of August we had a Pannier Family Reunion down at Scofield. It turned out to be a little smaller than originally thought with Uncle Alan hurting his back but it was a good time nevertheless.

We started the day out with breakfast, then going and doing some target practice, a water balloon sabotage, some BBQ, and some quality time of catching up with everyone. I can't wait for the next one!

Hanging with G-Aunt Chris

Captain prefers to be in the Rzr

Only a few options to practice with

The sunset as we were leaving.

This was not staged- it just happened.