Sunday, August 10, 2014

Relaxing Getaway

My attempting to flyfish, fail.
Yesterday Scott and I went up to Trial lake so we could do some fishing. It was great to get up to the High Uinta's and enjoy the great outdoors. We got up super early, 6am, so we could try and beat the rush to the lake. It was a great idea as we were able to get onto the lake and enjoy most of the morning without people.

Scott would have been a great provider as he was the one that caught the fish. I tried for a while but then ended up just floating and enjoying the view. As you can tell from my photos below. I am not ready for summer to come to an end but it definitely was nice to get outside again.

Scott was trying to catch the fish- unfortunately it escaped.


  1. So fun :) my dad bought me a fly fishing pole years ago but I haven't been

    1. Jen, we will need to go!! I never get anything but it's more relaxing than anything. :)
