Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas 2010

Welcome to the Hortin House Christmas 2010! 

I have slowly been bringing our home into the holiday spirit. I put our Christmas tree up the Friday after Thanksgiving. It is a fun red, white, and silver tree that I got for Scott & Brian last year (they didn't have a tree before). It definitely serves the Utah and holiday theme well!  I do have a few Kappa ornaments on there since I didn't want to fully leave all my old ornaments in the box since I don't have my small tree that Gram got me when I moved in with her but I think its a great "us" tree.

I have also decorated the top of our video storage. Normally I have 'regular' decor there so I have done some holiday stuff this year. We have decorated the island/shelving with some Utah drum and feather lights, countdown to Christmas tree, and vases filed with cinnamon pine-cones. It is definitely eclectic but it works for now...

We finally put shelves over the TV (I had one day when they were not decorated Christmas) and we have now created a fau-fireplace with garland, a couple Santa's and his reindeer's.  We even added stockings to help Santa when he visits. I guess I need to research how he gets into houses when there isn't a chimney because I haven't lived in a house that didn't have one before.

I probably should have started with the outside because if you come to our house, at night, you will see the wonderful Christmas lights that my husband and I put up on Saturday. I have to say for someone who doesn't like Christmas lights my husband is one trooper! He even put a blowup Mickey Mouse AND icicle lights up. He is one great husband for putting up with my Christmas crazy in decorating things.

So you now have had a tour of what is decorated in our house. Its a start to the more decor that will come in future years (don't tell my husband that or I will probably get into trouble) but its perfect for our first Christmas being married. And to all of you I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Ramadan, Festivas, or whatever you might celebrate!!


  1. hehe I love that you have Modern Family on the television screen ;) good job Tiff -- yeah for christmas

  2. Festive, festive! I love it.

    I feel so sheepish taht I didn't you have a blog. I'm now officially subscribed and excited to follow your fabulous life as you know it more closely. LOVE YOU.
