Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 16-24 Photo a Day

Here we go again! Another week (or two) of April's photos:

 Day 16: Flower-The ones I don't want in my yard.

 Day 17: Something you don't like- Standing in the rain for an earthquake drill (PS- I love Amy's expression)

 Day 18: Hair- I'm growing it out and it's the longest since HS.

 Day 19: Orange- My exercise band.
Day 20: Something I drew- Go Utah Ultimate Tailgate!

Day 21: Bottle- Hooray for making your own soda!

Day 22: Last thing I bought- Eclairs from Normandy, yum!

Day 23: Vegetable- I hope hummus is because it is delicious!

Day 24: Something I'm grateful for- My family, love em!

8 weeks out

Well we have hit the 8 weeks since the surgery and things seem to be going pretty well. I am bending it to 110 degrees and straightening to about 2 degrees. My best bend was 115 but that happened a few weeks ago. At first I was really concerned about this since the whole point about therapy is to get the bend back. After talking to my therapist he said that my strength and endurance is up so that is okay. Plus I am using the leg a lot and the swelling I've been getting will have an effect on the movement (see photo below). So things are good on the front of recovery. I'll really know what is up when I talk to the doctor in the morning.

Other than the leg my life has been really busy especially on the work front of life. I helped out with the Science Olympiad 2 weekends ago and we are getting ready for the CE Academy Banquet next week along with graduation. I will be so happy once May 10th is over since things are going to calm down a bit, such a relief!

Two weekends ago we went out to Vernal and attended my cousins farewell. He left on his LDS mission to Brazil today. It's crazy that he is old enough to go on a mission since I remember babysitting him when he was a baby. Another reason why I am becoming old. I hope he has a great 2 years down there!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 9-15 Photo A Day

Here is this week's photos. Sorry for the lack of them, it was a crazy week that I'll let you know about tomorrow (probably)...

Day 9: A Younger Me- 2005 Vegas Trip

 Day 10:  Cold- My Icing machine

 Day 11:  Where I ate Breakfast

Day 12:  Stairs- I avoid them if at all possible so sorry! :)

Day 13: Something you found- my computer bag!

Day 14: How I feel today-- Exhausted- that's why I didn't take a photo (sorry!)
Day 15: Sunset- I missed it but I'll try and get it later this week...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

I can't believe we are already through 1/4 of this year and add on top of that done with Easter! Its been a speedy year with the last 6 weeks being really crazy with my leg and it's recovery. I had a great Easter weekend where Scott & I finished the spring cleaning of the yard. Now we just need to decide what we are going to do with it so I know if we are going to be busy redoing it or not.

Yesterday afternoon we went to the Hortin Easter Party at Scott's Grandpas house. The entire family was there and it was great seeing all of Scott's cousins and their kids. I spent most of  my time there holding Thacker, a 6 month old, and playing games with him and making noises on the organ. Good times! After that we did some errands and we had Will & Liz over for dinner. It was great talking with them and it was nice of them to share their date night with Scott & I.

Today I slept in and did some work. I got to drive around downtown and take photos of various projects that some of my work alumni have done for their award videos that are going to happen in a couple weeks. After that I did laundry, worked on more work. Scott went and played 9 holes of golf while I was working and then he took a nice nap (and he's stuffy so I got to listen to him snore the entire time). This evening we went to Scott's parents and had a great dinner with his family.

We saw Kevin & Jayne for the first time since January and got to see her cute pregnant belly! Yes, you read it right--I'm going to be an aunt in September! They don't know the sex of the baby yet so we get to wait for another 2 weeks (I believe) and then we will know what we get to buy for it!!

Overall a successful holiday weekend. Hope all of you have had a joyous Easter and Passover (and for those of your Greek Orthodox people--have a wonderful Easter next week!).

April 1-8 Photo a Day

I'm trying to do another month of Photo-a-day so enjoy the first 8 days of April (well, most days at least)...

 April 1: My Reflection (Bad photo but you gotta do it)

 April 2: Colour or Color for us US People (Easter Skittles!)

 April 3: Mail (No Mail :( )

 April 4: Someone who make me happy (My Chief!)

 Day 5: Little (Adrienne has a baby in her belly!)

Day 6: Lunch (I didn't take a photo as it was a crazy lunch but I had stir fry!)
Day 7: Shadow (I was lazy yesterday and missed it, sorry!)

April 8: Inside my wallet (Okay, I did my purse but it's the same thing) 

Tune in next week for more of my life photos. ;) 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Physical Therapy

The above picture is one of the exercises that I get to do with my knee. It's all good except when you have to lift you bum up and over the knee and you get a nice big "stretch" but it's more like pain. I know all of this torture is good for me in the long run but right now things are overlooked with the painful movements that the therapist makes me do.

I am also struggling with getting one of my calf muscles releasing as right now it is a nice big knot and no matter what kind of heat and rubbing I can't get it released. So if you have any suggestions on how to get this out let me know as I am up for anything.

I seem like I am complaining, I am, but overall I really can't complain as my therapy is going pretty well. On Friday I bent my knee to 115 degrees and my strength is getting better. I just wish that we could fast forward through the physical therapy and getting my brace off (so I can wear pants and not just dresses/skirts).  Oh the joys or recovery...