Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Construction Update for Week #1

Well, its been about a week and we have made great progress on the house. The major progress occurred on Saturday when we had a beautiful day, not really sunny, but pleasant temperatures. Scott's Dad and brother helped put the closet doors on. I LOVE how they look, and now I need to get my act together and make the covers for the front of the storage bins.

While they were working on the doors I was working on digging out the roots of the pine tree that Scott & family chopped down last spring.

Scott came through after and cut all of the roots that I was able to dig out. The thing that amazed me was the size of some of the roots there were down there! After an attempt at getting it to come out Scott's dad was able to have it come out with a little 4 wheel drive and some coaxing from the truck.

After a small break Scott and I went down to the basement and started demo on the walls down there. We were able to get 2/3 rooms of the old materials into the car and taken out to the dump. We didn't get all of the demo done over the weekend because of a snowstorm that hit SL with a furry on Sunday. So we will be finishing that potentially on Wednesday night.

Tonight Scott got the chain saw working again (well, put a new chain on it). He started by chopping the stump down and then cutting the rest of the trunk that they cut down last year.

After he was done we ended up with 2 benches and a stump to allow us to have people over and hangout around the fire pit!

Doesn't he look like a proud carver?

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