Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well, I finally took photos of the basement. Unfortunately I didn't take any true "before" photos so you will get the photos taken after the demo. :)

This photo is of the future "Man Cave"area. We didn't do any demo in this area except for removing things that were stashed in the rafters & a heater from the wall on the right:

This is the exciting electrical that we found after pulling down the Sheetrock:

 The 3rd bedroom. We demoed the walls seen here, repaired a hole where water came into the room and sealed the concrete (white paint:

This is another view of the room. We will soon replace this window with a larger egress window:

And the window well has been dug and somewhat put into place:

This starts the work that we did this weekend, self leveling concrete. We did the main room and the bedroom. It didn't completely solve the level issues but it is much better than it was before:

And Captain had to leave his mark:

1 comment:

  1. wow that is quite the project! going to be great when all done though ~
