Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Its looking like a room

Well we are finally to the point of the basement looking like a liveable space! Two weeks ago we finished the drywall as you can see below (one of the main room, the other the bedroom):

For the past 2 weeks we have been mudding and sanding the drywall. It is such an exciting job and I really enjoyed looking like Casper the Ghost every night (I typically sanded while Scott muded). My hands were exfoliated along with my face (it wasn't too happy about that and I know it because of my breakouts) but am excited to announce that it is DONE! (yes, I am doing a happy dance). The other exciting thing is we have replaced the old support beam with the tree trunk that was cut down last summer. You can see how it really looks like a room below. 

Captain was very photogenic the night I took these photos but you can see they really look like rooms. The final exciting news is we are painting! We went and bought all the colors, picked the tile out and painted last weekend. Below you can see all of the paint that we purchased and part of the primer.

As a FYI if you are going to be priming anything when a can says that it will cover 400 square feet it will probably only do 150 at most. Yes, we got 2 cans of primer and we visited Lowes 2 more times for a total of 5 cans of primer. The good thing that came out of it is the basement is primed and we have painted the ceiling! It really looks like a room now!!

We hope to be moving along here shortly. We will be a man down for painting this week because I am in Colorado and Scott is the worker for the rest of the week. :)

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