Its amazing how fast two weeks will go and how busy you can be. I hadn't seen my parent since the day we left for San Diego because they went on an anniversary trip while we were gone and didn't get back until last Friday. On Saturday night the fiance and I went over to their place to talk all things wedding. After meeting we decided to go and visit a few venues last week.
We started out having 4 (I think) venues on our list and ended up seeing 6 in 4 days. It is crazy as to how you start to get the hang of asking the questions and actually realizing what you are wanting in a wedding. The first visit was a disaster, this came from both our side not knowing what to ask as well as the person who we met with didn't seem too interested in meeting with us. I was pretty surprised as to the service that we received, considering that the place we were at is renowned for their service. Even with this I walked away thinking, this is the place I want my wedding! (even ask my boss at work, I did say it.)
The next day we ended up going to three venues. It was a whirlwind of a day and meeting with three places was probably a lot to do but it worked out. The first place I was going just to to satisfy my father in the crazy idea he had. After meeting there it was now the top place that I wanted to have it but with some reservations on to the alternative we would have if it rained that day. The next venue was a place that my fiance heard about at work. We walked in an it was a very nice place but we just weren't sure about a place that had apartments in the back of it and not having a cook, we pretty much eliminated this venue. We then went to the 3rd venue of the night. The lady was able to squeeze us in and we had a quick run through the site and talked to her for a bit about the venue. This venue is a beautiful place and the food is pretty good but the place just didn't fit us as a couple. I walked away knowing that I didn't want my wedding at the first day's place but not knowing what one of the other 2 venues to have it at.
The next day I was confused as to what I wanted to do for a site but we did have another visit schedule. Going into this visit we weren't sure if it would work because none of us had really been there since it was renovated. We visited this site and I loved the space and knowing that the food there would be great. This now became the top of my list knowing that we would have great food and service. Plus the space at this venue was very large and could handle us if we were to have rain that day.
We still had one more site to visit and this is one we were once again unsure if it would work for us. We went and met with the coordinator and saw the site. I have worked at this place before and love the people there and I knew they would treat us well but the space just wasn't like the previous day's but the pictures would be perfect!
We finished the site visit and sat down with our pro/con list of all the spots and ended up going with.... 3: the Salt Lake Country Club. Many factors went into this but the ultimate decision was the date that we wanted was open, the service would be excellent, and we would have plenty of room if it was raining that day. So the space is set and we will be getting married on October 9, 2010 (the day after my fiance's Birthday!).
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