If you didn't already know, I am a night owl through and through. Eventually, this is going to have to change because my boyfriend is not a night owl. He is definitely a morning person. So we are going to have to come to some kind of a compromise to get this worked out in the end but for now it works (with me giving him crap when he wants to go to bed at 9pm). But I digress...
As everyone knows daylight savings occurred Saturday, now I definitely welcome the more sunshine but getting up in the morning with no light really sucks. Obviously with the change everyone will have a slight problem adjusting to the new time but this time I have been really struggling to get to bed at a reasonable hour. Sunday night it was 12:30/45am when I last looked at the clock; Monday we were a little better but still at 12:00/15 am and last night I was a lot better with it and last looking at the clock at 11:30pm. Granted it's only been 3 days but I have struggled with this a lot more than I can remember in the past.
I think the biggest problem now is the morning! I have been getting up later and later as the week has gone on. Opposite than what I would like to be doing. Yes, I am tired from the previous late nights but normally this isn't a huge issue when I have a late night in a week. I haven't gotten up at the time I had planned on the past two mornings where I thought that I might take some time and get ready but that hasn't happened. So the struggle with this time change continues. Maybe tonight will be the first time when I will go to bed at 11pm and get up at 6:30am, we shall see!
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